Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics | 4/14/2024

Climate Health Innovators! Embark on a bi-weekly journey where we explore groundbreaking ideas, pivotal news, and exciting opportunities designed for anyone interested in championing climate action in healthcare. If you know someone who would benefit from CHILLing with us — clinicians, builders, or funders — tell them to subscribe here. 📬

In this week’s newsletter, we cover the history of Earth Day and the significance of this year’s theme, Planet vs Plastics. But first, we want to share with you a special event we’re hosting for our NYC community:

CHILL Happy Hour in NYC, April 22

In celebration of Earth Day, CHILL is partnering with Mika Health and J.P. Morgan for a special happy hour event in New York City. The Healthy Earth Day celebration will include a 45-minute Climate x Health panel and Q&A with Arnab Ghosh, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell, and Oriana Fuentes, Founder/CEO of Mika Health; moderated by CHILL. Register here.

The history of Earth Day 🌎 🌿

Earth Day, first celebrated on April 22, 1970, was inspired by the energy of the 1960s student anti-war movement. The first Earth Day aimed to bring environmental concerns to the forefront of national agendas — even before the existence of the EPA, Clean Air Act, or Clean Water Act ( Over five decades later, Earth Day serves as a global call to action, mobilizing individuals, communities, and leaders worldwide to engage in meaningful environmental protection and climate innovation efforts. This year’s Earth Day theme, "Planet vs. Plastics," is a global rallying cry addressing one of the most pressing environmental and health crises of our time.

The urgent call to action against plastics

98% of plastics are derived from fossil carbon, contributing 4% of greenhouse gas emissions. Plastics are not just an environmental issue; they represent a severe threat to human health. Plastics are laden with harmful chemical additives, carcinogens, neurotoxins, and endocrine disrupters, costing the US healthcare system billions—nearly $250 billion in 2018. A recent study even found microplastics and nanoplastics in carotid plaques, linking exposure to an increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and death.

91% of plastics, including those used in healthcare, are not recycled and either reside in landfills or have infiltrated natural environments. Yet, every day, U.S. healthcare facilities generate 14,000 tons of waste. One patient hospitalization results in nearly 34 pounds of waste every day. Of that waste, up to 25 percent is plastic.

Fortunately, changes are being made. Last week, the EPA announced the first-ever national standard to address PFAS in our drinking water. As a reminder, PFAS are the infamous “forever chemicals” harmful to human health at low concentrations and not something we should drink. Additionally, some health systems are taking action, like Virginia-based Carilion Clinic, which stopped using single-use gowns, eliminating 515,000 pounds of waste and saving $850,000 in three years.

This year's Earth Day theme emphasizes the need for swift action to end global plastic pollution, one of the overarching goals of the United Nations upcoming Global Plastics Treaty, with hopes of a treaty draft by end of 2024. In the meantime, see what you can do at home to decrease your exposure to plastic.

Nationwide Earth Day events

Celebrate Earth Day at various events across the country, each offering unique ways to engage with and support our environment! Here are some examples:

Other news

Events & opportunities

Other events and opportunities in the coming weeks:

Climate and Health Day, April 25

Taking place from April 22-28, the US Climate Action Summit in Washington, DC, is the most influential convening of climate leaders from the business, government, and non-profit sectors. On April 25, during the summit, the National Academy of Medicine is co-hosting Climate and Health Day with Kaiser Permanente and Climate Group. At this event, NAM will launch the new initiative “Accelerating the National Climate and Health Movement,” aiming to build upon and sustain the support of US health sector organizations addressing climate and health.

San Francisco Climate Week 2024, April 21-27

Looking ahead, we're excited about the upcoming San Francisco Climate Week, scheduled for April 21-27. This event series will showcase San Francisco as a hub of climate innovation, technology, and leadership. As a community-powered series, it promises to foster connections and inspire action through a variety of educational and engaging events. There are so many events to join in on. Follow their Instagram for the latest updates.